
Police released the 911 tapes, revealing the calm exchange between the driver's friend and the dispatcher."I got a friend who wrecked a bar stool," the caller said.
When asked by the dispatcher whether he hit his head inside the bar, the friend replied, "Um, no, he was riding the bar stool ... a motorized bar stool."
Wygle told police his motorized bar stool can go up to 38 mph.
My nominee for "Fashion Designer of the Year"

randy explains it all with the following quote from his website pixyland.org: "But why Peter Pan you ask? Although Peter pan is definitely a boy, to me this character is perfectly androgynous, and in his eternal childhood rejects the idea of growing up and leaving this behind."
with the idea of an eternal childhood in the back of his mind, 53 year old randy creates his own indistinguishable style which he likes to share with the people in his hometown of tampa, florida.
here are some of randy's unique creations:
Mara and Me
i love you mara...xo
Just Say No...to Walmart...

i may be the last of my kind. but i have never stepped foot in a walmart, nor do i ever plan to. i could tell you all the reasons, but let me sum it up for you in a two words: they suck...
my American Idol recap

ok...i can't tell you how HAPPY i am that Jasmine aka "pageant queen" went home last night! my pillow has more personality than her. and my pillow can sing better, too...
i was really hoping slumdog millionaire Anoop would "Jai Ho" his way out of the show. he's way too cocky for his curry pants. i'm so not a fan.
i'm a little sad that Jorge went home, but i mean how many ricky martin/marc anthony sounding renditions can we hear in one season?
and paula REALLY needs to up her meds some more...she's not slurring enough for me and its starting to really bother me. you'd think that Kara Dio-who? would slip some mickey's in Paula's "Coca-Cola" in hopes that paula would pass out during the live taping. then the producers would have to prop her up like "Weekend at Bernie's" until the show was over...

the rocker dude Adam is great. but someone needs to tell him that black nail polish on guys is so 4 seasons ago....
Michael Jackson announces London concert dates

and WATCH OUT! he may be in disguise...

band-aids and all...

Top 5 Things I love about New Orleans
Woman has 911 meltdown over McNuggets

"This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn’t have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don’t want one," Goodman told police. "This is an emergency!"
A McDonald's spokesman says Goodman should have been given a refund, and she's being sent a gift card for a free meal.only in florida...

Yvonne Morris, a technician at the Brickyard Animal Hospital, said she chased a man who broke into a co-worker's car, but he kept squirming away from her.
The third time, Morris grabbed hold of the man's boxer shorts and pulled. Salt Lake City police said she then she put a headlock on the man until help could arrive.
now that's what i call a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am"...
fun with homemade tattoos...
my new workout regiment for 2009...

Bye Bye Bush!

i have a new favorite show: "17 and Counting". it's a show about the Duggar Family who have 17 kids (with one on the way), are devout christians (clearly), live in Arkansas (really?!), and their crazy home-schooling, baby-making lives. and by favorite show, i mean that it is fascinatingly scary. but let me tell you exactly what i "enjoy" about this show:
1. the father's name is Jim Bob. yes!
2. all of the kids names begin with J. and not just ordinary J names, but scary J names that sound like they are straight out of the "Children of the Corn" cast like: Jeremiah, Jedidiah, and Josiah.
3. if they like the sound of a name, they stick with it! why get creative with 17 different names? they like names that rhyme (like the ones above) or switch a letter and add an apostrophe like Johanna and Joy-Anna!
4. if you ever need to hire an orchestra for a wedding or an event, you can hire them! the 10 month old can even play the viloin! now that is god's work!

Jeep (if it's a boy it's perfect because boys loves cars!)
Jello (everyone loves Jello!)
Jew (great for those "Jews for Jesus" viewers of the show!)
Just-stopmom (that was the consensus winner from all 17 kids, AND it's hyphenated!)
Jacked-up (because that's what an 18th baby will look like coming out that womb)...
susie bought the book afterward, and i waited in line to get it signed. he was very quick with everyone, but when it came to my turn he asked me a bunch of questions (ok 2 questions) and we must have spent 15 minutes together (more like 15 seconds) and everyone else in the line was super jealous (only the woman behind me because she was large and in charge and needed food soon or she would collapse right on top of alec and show him the true meaning of "shweaty")

anyways, we shared a very intimate moment together...i told him i was a young aspiring writer, and that i think i would make a great addition to 30 Rock (alright he only asked me my age, if i had been divorced, and did i find the book helpful...) it was magical and i think he was so taken by my brilliance that he invited me out to pizza afterward...
(ok, he didn't so much as invite me, but we happened to grab a slice at the same spot across the street. but i was there first...) anyways, i think a-bald (we have nicknames for eachother now, he calls me nisnice) and i really understood eachother and i can't wait to work on his next movie with him (or go see it at the theater around the corner)...